Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
0.59 Sixty seconds on...listening is hard
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Hard to squeeze six points on the realities of why real listening is so tough into sixty seconds
Deeply embedded poor-listening behaviours are hard to shift
New, authentic listening skills are not easy to learn
Being brutally honest, a lot of what we listen to is of low interest
Given the chance, many speak for what seems a very long time
We just don't get the same effort to listen or interest back
What's in it for us when listening...what's our reward?
A lot more on this and many other free downloads at my website: www.andrewgibbons.co.uk
Friday Oct 22, 2021
11.52 Narration of quotes from ‘Time to Think‘ pages 74-128
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
In less than twelve minutes, a lot of really powerful and too rarely seen practices are encouraged to get the most from uninterrupted conversations and meetings.
More summaries of this and other Nancy Kline books here and at my website.
A lot more on this and many other free downloads at my website: www.andrewgibbons.co.uk
Monday Oct 18, 2021
23.59 The harmful effects of Manterrupting
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Monday Oct 18, 2021
With Rebecca Norton I explore how 'manterrupting' defined as 'the unnecessary interrupting of women by men' has serious, observable, poorly managed and harmful impacts on relationships and business effectiveness.
Donald Trump interrupted Hillary Clinton 51 times in the first 26 minutes of a televised Presidential debate.
Is Trump unusual as a serial interrupter of women more than of men? Do women interrupt other women more than they interrupt men?
Is manterrupting more often seen in groups than one to one interactions?
What are the harmful effects of this?
How can manterrupting be managed?
A lot more on this and many other free downloads at my website: www.andrewgibbons.co.uk
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
12.18 Nine incisive team review questions
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
1. What do you really think?
2. If you were in my position, what would you do that I am not doing?
3. What do we assume that probably limits everything we do?
4. At the end of your career in this organisation, what do you want to say you have achieved here?
5. What needs improvement in this organisation that I haven't noticed - if you had to take the lead suddenly, what would you do about it?
6. What are we not facing that is in front of our face?
7. How would your work have to change for it to be exactly right for you?
8. If you were not holding back, what would you be doing?
9. What do we already know that we are going to find out in a year?
I particularly like 2, 4, 5 and 7...any other favourites?
A lot more on this and many other free downloads at my website: www.andrewgibbons.co.uk
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
24.15 Three common mistakes in learning design
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
With Sheridan Webb, exploring these three common design errors...
Not completing the design in detail
Starting the design in Powerpoint
Putting in too much content
...and a lot of other learning design issues this prompted.
A lot more on this and many other free downloads at my website: www.andrewgibbons.co.uk
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
3.41 Three elements of reality when designing learning
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Here I very briefly summarise three elements of learning design reality:
Content reality
Process reality
Environmental reality
In my view, a lot of learning fails to deliver what it could because we simply don't consider these issues, and in particular how they are perceived by those with whom we work.
A lot more on this and many other free downloads at my website: www.andrewgibbons.co.uk
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
15.38 Narration of direct quotes from ‘Time to Think‘ pages 41-72
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Here I read my quotes from this wonderful book. In order to avoid 'read and forget' syndrome, I always note then type up the content that has most impact upon me.
This is the second set of a series. If you would like the summaries as typed, let me know and I will be happy to email them to you...lots more of these at my website.
A lot more on this and many other free downloads at my website: www.andrewgibbons.co.uk
Friday Sep 24, 2021
16.17 How a coach can help challenge a client‘s limiting assumptions
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
With Rebecca Norton I discuss the significance of limiting assumptions to personal development, and what a Coach can do to help a client identify and if possible work through or around these.
A lot more on this and many other free downloads at my website: www.andrewgibbons.co.uk
Friday Sep 24, 2021
18.14 Why don‘t you listen?
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Here, with Rebecca Norton, we dig deeper than the 'nod, summarise and all that', exploring what is at the heart of failing to listen, and what can be done to work on this simple yet seemingly so tough skill.
A lot more on this and many other free downloads at my website: www.andrewgibbons.co.uk
Monday Sep 06, 2021
14.29 Narration of quotes: First 39 pages of ‘Time to Think‘
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Monday Sep 06, 2021
A voice over of selected quotes from starting to read this wonderful book.
A lot more on this and many other free downloads at my website: www.andrewgibbons.co.uk
Friday Sep 03, 2021
47.34 The lost value from neglecting introverts
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Friday Sep 03, 2021
The power and contribution of introverts is so rarely even considered, never mind deliberately acted upon.
This learning conversation is driven in particular by the work of Susan Cain, and most especially her remarkable book 'Quiet'.
One of my most learning-rich conversations with Rebecca Norton, this really took me to places and prompted deep thoughts that truly have had a serious impact.
Content and timings summarised at my website...see the link at the homepage... www.andrewgibbons.co.uk
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
8.28 The four pillars of assessment
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
For 39 years I have assessed all types of accredited and certificated qualifications.
Here I explain how four fundamental pillars guide me still and those with I work:
A lot more on this and many other free downloads at my website: www.andrewgibbons.co.uk
Saturday Aug 28, 2021
7.12 Eight pay offs from a genuine thinking environment
Saturday Aug 28, 2021
Saturday Aug 28, 2021
Here I summarise just eight tangible benefits of working in a thinking environment.
To even implement two or three of the ten components is tough - the measurable rewards are worth it for those few workplaces that can genuinely change embedded practices.
1. Stronger, more respectful interactions.
2. Deeper, broader use of knowledge and skills.
3. More participation and contribution.
4. Greater engagement and motivation.
5. Higher retention, and better use of talent.
6. Better ideas, innovation and creativity.
7. Higher quality, swifter decisions.
8. More positive workplaces, happier people.
A lot more on this and many other free downloads at my website: www.andrewgibbons.co.uk
Friday Aug 27, 2021
24.03 ”Don‘t become like the people you criticise”
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Friday Aug 27, 2021
This was said when I was running an event for Cambridge University many years back, and it is truly profound.
Here with Rebecca Norton I discuss practical applications and implications, and showing the value of interactivity in learning, for the first time work on the value and implications of reversing the statement to 'Do become like the people you admire'.
A lot more on this and many other free downloads at my website: www.andrewgibbons.co.uk
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
3.46 Three ways to reflect
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
A brief summary of how and when to use: Reflecting forward, before action, reflecting in action, and reflecting back, after action.
I feel reflecting forward is most significant - that way we can be more ready for, and can influence, reflection in action.
A lot more on this and many other free downloads at my website: www.andrewgibbons.co.uk
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
8.42 Three principles of knowledge management
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Robert Greenleaf offers three powerful rules that keeps knowledge, and learning current and consciously accessible.
His three principles:
We don't really know a lot of what we think we know.
Knowledge gets lost, and has to be rediscovered.
New, conscious knowledge disturbs our feelings of certainty about what we know.
A lot more on this and many other free downloads at my website: www.andrewgibbons.co.uk
Monday Aug 23, 2021
3.20 Experience is NOT a number.
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
The learning and performance value from any time cycle can be managed, meaning time alone is a poor measure of 'experience'.
We can add significant value to any time cycle to make effort to learn the more meaningful measure.
Many boast of having say 30 years of experience, what use is that if it is the same year 30 times?
A lot more on this and many other free downloads at my website: www.andrewgibbons.co.uk
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
10.00 Six types of customer
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Using the work of Jones and Sasser I briefly summarise how understanding each of the six types of customer can really focus and guide customer service and marketing efforts.
Six types of customer: Apostle Loyalist Mercenary Defector Hostage Terrorist.
If we fail to see the significance of each, and do not see their potential impact on any business, it is a wasted opportunity or lost chance to repair damage.
A lot more on this and many other free downloads at my website: www.andrewgibbons.co.uk
Friday Aug 20, 2021
18.48 The disconnect between learning and reward
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Friday Aug 20, 2021
With Rebecca Norton I explore why lack of learner engagement is the result of unimpressive organisational learning and development practices.
Why is the question so often 'what training course shall we send you on?' and not 'what do you need to do better, or at all?'.
Training courses for groups of people that are not designed around a clear idea of each individual' specific needs are too often a waste of time.
It may seem cost effective to divide numbers attending into a cost, the learning applied and sustained back at work is often the true determinant of value.
A lot more on this and many other free downloads at my website: www.andrewgibbons.co.uk
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
2.51 Real learning is like an onion
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Big leaps in learning are rare, and very hard to sustain. In reality, learning is like the layers of an onion, experiences that are so small as seem insignificant, that over time form a solid core - of capability.
The trouble is, a lot of non-needs based 'training', is designed around the big steps, after all that's how best to market expensive days spent for most part sat on a seat being told things.
I feel we need to develop an appetite for the unexciting, often frustrating, and rarely recognised or rewarded learning that consciously uses in particular the real workplace for our individualised development.
This is an audio recording of my YouTube channel upload.
A lot more on this and many other free downloads at my website: www.andrewgibbons.co.uk